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At Elfia you’ll never paint alone…

Come and join us again with our magnificent Crowd Canvas. Specially designed for celibrating 30 years of dream magic brought by Elfia.

We play with the fables and fairytales theme and have created two large canvasses. On one canvas we have the lovely fairy tale characters, Snow White, Cinderella and so on. On the other canvas we have their feared opponents, the witch, the big bad wolf and more badness.
You will have to choose between these two forces, the Good or the Bad!

Deze afbeelding heeft een leeg alt-attribuut; de bestandsnaam is ElfiaArcen.png

We will love to meet you on saturday and sunday at Elfia square !
Date: 21 + 22 september 2019

Kasteeltuinen Arcen
Lingsforterweg 26
5944 BE Arcen

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